
Current Schedule


with Lois Hartwick

May 12'Dancing in the Dark' with AA Michael
May 19'The Crystal Garden' with Etheria
May 26'As the Portals Activate' by Maitreya
Jun 2'Speaking of Financial Abundance' by St. Germain
Jun 9'Changes in Direction' through AA Gabriel
Jun 16'Lineages, Teachers and Alignments' with Thoth
Jun 23'Ray Energy in Balancing These Times' with El Morya
Jun 30'The Green Ray/The Emerald Tablets' with Thoth and Hilarion

Payment by PayPal or Check

Single Class – $25 – PayPal | Check
Single Class with Transcription – $35 – PayPal | Check
9 Classes – $200 – PayPal | Check
9 Classes with Transcription – $240 – PayPal | Check

Classes are at 7P ET and remain $25 per class and $5 per transcript per class. PayPal or contact Lois to pay by Check. Please let Lois know how you will be paying to receive call in numbers.

Past Schedules

Winter Sun
Photo by Brandon Blinkenberg from FreeImages
Feb 18St. Francis (completed)
Feb 25'Money to Sustain Life' with St. Germain
Mar 3'Health for Longevity' with Hilarion
Mar 10'Prayer and Holiness' with St. Catherine
Mar 17'An Overview' with Kuthumi
Mar 24'Attending the Temple' with Serapis
Mar 31'Remembering' with Jesus
Apr 7'Scroll Study and Initiation' with Melchizedek
Apr 14'New Crystalline Energies Incorporated and Prep for Trip' with Thoth
Oct 29Taking the Edge Off Distractions and Anchoring Light - AA Gabriel
Nov. 5Moving Through the Corridor of Light - A Dimensional Awareness - Angel of Light
Nov. 12Expanding the Hologram of Love into the Morphic Field through Portals to Effect Balance - Thoth
Nov. 19Moving into the Holographic Field of Love to Create Greate Greater Healing - Thoth and Alton
Nov. 26Chakra Rebalancing. Earth Energies Disrupting - Thoth
Dec. 3Using the Time Space Continuum to Recapture Abilities Forgotten from Atlantis and Before (for those familiar with Hologram work) - Thoth
Dec. 10What Is Happening Ahead - Kuthumi
Sep 10Potpourri
Sep 17Hologram of Love (continuing) with Thoth and Additions from Egypt
Sep 24Hologram of Love (continuing)
Oct 1Partnerships
Oct 8Utilizing Holograms for Unity
Oct 15Restructuring and Preparing
Oct 22Divine Destiny - Melchizedek Speaks
Feb 5"Inner Earth Core Shift and What It Means to Us" with Mother Gaia
Feb 12"Corrections In Balance and Changes Ahead" with El Morya
Feb 19"Holographic Entry" with Metatron
Feb 26"Full Moon and What It Means for March" with Thoth
Mar 5"Gathering Focus" with Kuthumi
Mar 12"Rendering A New Directions" with St. Germain and Maitreya
Mar 26"Remembering Who We Are" with Rumi
June 5"Calm the Storm" with El Morya and Thoth
June 12"Lessons Unlearned" with Hilarion
June 29"Finding the Path We Are on Opened" with Master R
July 3July 4 Holiday Weekend
July 10"Templates for the Future" with Maitreya
July 17"Using Our Gifts" with Merlin
July 24"Using the Ankh Again to Reestablish Life" with Thoth
July 31"A Focus" with Metatron
April 10"Etheric Pyramids - Re-addressing Earth Issues" with Thoth & Hilarion
April 17Easter Sunday.  "A Force of Angels"  with AA Gabriel
April 24"Stargate & Etheric Pyramids - Our Work Ahead" with Hilarion & AA Gabriel
May 1"Stargate & Etheric Pyramids" Pt. II
May 8"Utilizing the New Column of Light"  with Thoth & Hilarion
May 15"Yeshua Speaks on Combining Energies" with Yeshua
Mar 6What's Ahead & Unfolding, Pt. 1 - Thoth & Council
Mar 13What's Ahead & Unfolding, Pt. 2 - Thoth & Council
Mar 20New ​Indoctrination Fellowship - with Maitreya
Mar 27Your Role During These Times - with Thoth
Jan 16Why Are We Meditating? What Are We Accomplishing? Is Light the Answer? with Thoth
Jan 23Incoming Events and/or Energies to Review with Thoth
Jan 30We, the Earthkeepers, Are in Council. Native American Chiefs and Elders, Sitting Bull, Red Jacket, Tecumseh, and Peacemaker are the likely speakers  Gathering the Nations
Feb 6A New Horizon with Master R
Feb 13Joy Codes with Maitreya
Feb 20Returning Together with Mary Magdelene

opening the doorway to whats ahead

The Transition Stage

A Continuing Series of Channeled Discourses toward Healing
via Teleconference
with Lois Hartwick

Sun, Jun 27 – A New Beginning – What’s Ahead – Hilarion
Sun, Jul 4 – Setting Up Our Teams from the Higher Worlds – AA Azrael
Tue, Jul 13 – A Joyful Reunion with Martha and Observations from the 5th Dimension
Tue, Jul 20 – The Lineage – The work – Melchizedek
Sun, Jul 25 – Ray Alignments Assigned – Prep for Our Work – Hilarion
Sun, Aug 1 – Ambassadors of Light – Confluence of Energies Supporting Us
Sun, Aug 8 – Earth Disruptions / Our Focus – Hilarion
Sun, Aug 15 – Center Earth – with Thoth and Alcazar
Sun, Aug 22 – Mini-Short, Individual Sessions for Each of You – Lord Maitreya
Sun, Aug 29 – No Class – Labor Day Weekend – New Classes start the following week

Sun, Sep 5 – Freddie Mercury’s Birthday. TBA. Possible Channeling from him
Sun, Sep 12 – Beginning Series from Various Masters Starting with St. Germain (2 weeks each) and Includes Messages of Inspiration

Summer Schedule 2020

Planting New Seeds for Stages of Summer

Transcripts are a $5 per class.

June 21 – Solstice Significance – A Portal & A Doorway with Metatron
June 28 – Pandemic, Temperatures, Behaviors and Protection with Hilarion
July 5 – Take the Glasses Off & Begin to See with Your Heart with Metatron
July 12 – Celebration of Martha’s Life: Her Work on the Other Side & A Message
She Wishes to Share with Thoth and Martha Lopez Durkin
July 19 – Connecting with Our Twin Flames in the Etheric Pyramids and Why It’s Helpful To Do So Now with Lady Athena
July 26 – Embracing Two Channels of Light Coming In with Metatron
Aug 2 – No Class
Aug 9 –  No Class
Aug 16 – Dancing with Thoth and the Moon

Messages for Humanity

Aug. 23 – AA Uriel
Aug. 30 – AA Raphael
Sept. 6 – AA Michael
Sept. 13 – AA Haniel
Sept. 20 – AA Gabriel

The Master Series – 6 Parts
Sept. 27 – Oct. 4

Transcripts are $5 per class. Questions or to sign up contact Lois.

Free Meditations

Sunday meditations will now include those signed up in triangles with 2 other partners to meditate with other triangular combinations to anchor light for clearing earth & coronavirus at 6PM EDT. Additional meditation dates have been added every Tues. and Thurs. at 7PM EDT. You are welcome to join in, but know this is a commitment for time selected each week and not a show up once in awhile. No charges for this earth service.

Contact Lois for additional information. Look forward to our new schedule in this ‘new’ time!