Listen to Great Spirit

Listen to Great Spirit

Great Spirit speaks to us all in varying ways.

Have you heard something unusual today? Perhaps it is important to notice a bird on your window sill or a fox which has crossed your path. Perhaps the sun makes some direct contact with you in some regard, sending light directly into your eyes. Do you notice the way that the wind may change on a moment’s notice or the propulsion of light from the stars where you are? So many things speak to you if you will notice.

The Earth is calling you now to hear her. Those ‘voices’ have become very loud with eruptions and noise.

Yet you may hear so easily in your own way without such intrusion, and movements of guidance and love are brought in this way. You are not alone. These things which happen are known and come from somewhere, even if for you they are out-of-the-blue.

Great Spirit speaks.

Listen well.


Channeled by Lois Hartwick 11/04/2018